Intro to Programming and Data Science (Spring 2020)/Day 4 Coding Challenges

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Python for Everybody

Chapter 7: Exercises 1, 2, 3

Baby Names

Using the baby names data from The day 3 challenges:

  1. Get the ratio of names that start with each letter.
    • Do this for boys and girls.
    • Hint First line of output should be something like:
      a: boys: 0.1002914920750592 girls: 0.17587602795796703
  2. Are girls or boys more likely to have a name that is used by both genders?
  3. Figure out how to change the file so that it loads births from 2017 instead of 2018.

Above and beyond

  1. Figure out how to load two years of birth data simultaneously and compare them (e.g., identify the top 20 names from 2017 and figure out how many more/fewer people were named those names in 2018).
  2. Visualize some of the differences (probably in Excel)