CommunityData:Meetup March 2019
We're meeting in Seattle on March 28-30! For those in Seattle, we'll be meeting in the Community Data Science Lab (UW) (CMU306) and in CMU 322 which is just down the hall. If you're going to be calling in, you can find us in the CDSC Jitsi. You should also participate in the shared note taking.

Another group meetup/retreat is upon us! Our tentative plan is to get dinner together on Thursday if folks are in town and available. On Friday morning we'll start with a small number of research presentations from affiliates and visitors as a way of getting to know folks. After those, we'll move into critique and feedback sessions followed by some evening fun. On Saturday we will host unconference sessions on whatever folks want to talk about and/or work on. As always, the plans may evolve shift.
Research Presentations[edit]
For the first time, we're planning to invite a small number of more formal talks from CDSC affiliates and visitors. There are two goals with these presentations: (a) introduce yourself and your research interests to the group; (b) present finished research to teach us something new! We've got a maximum of ~20 minutes per presentation (and it's a hard maximum) but you are welcome to use less time—especially if you are interested in presenting unfinished work in a C&F session.
Critique and Feedback Sessions[edit]
For the critique and feedback sessions we're expecting everybody who wants to participate to submit (a) something in writing (e.g., a paper, a Matsuzaki outline, an extended abstract) and (b) a list of questions or types of feedback you want. Please only submit something you want feedback on!
If you want to participate, you need to email something to by the end of day on Friday, March 22. Not everybody needs to participate but anybody who does participate should only submit one thing.
We're expecting that everyone attending will have read all the material submitted and will bring notes to the meeting. When we meet, everyone who has submitted something will get at least half an hour (more if possible).
When we meet, these sessions will be run with no presentations and no formal introductions. The plan to just jump in and start answering the questions and talking about thing we've all already read.
Proposed norms:
- Take the entire group as an audience: the best feedback is beneficial or thought-provoking to the group as a whole, prompts group discussion/consideration, asks a question, etc.
- If the author is your only audience, be practical and actionable for the project's current stage. Early-stage work is expected to be a little unpolished and crunchy, and proposing a large new branch of analysis for a nearly-complete work should be approached with a scoping statement (Must this be done for the work to be valid? Or are you proposing a follow-up line of inquiry to be stated in the Future Work section?)
- Don't dogpile -- time is short, so even positive plus-ones should be brief: don't repeat what others have said, don't feel the need to chime in or pile on a critique: it is assumed that you read the paper and are supportive of the author.
- Avoid vaguebooking. "Framework needs some work" or "Lacking some flow" isn't as useful as "I don't think you're getting a lot out of using Foucault, Latour, and Habermas here, and explaining them is pretty heavy -- maybe you can get away with just invoking Benkler and moving on" and experience-grounded comments like "When you transitioned from section 2 to section 3, and half-way through section 4, I ended up flipping back to the abstract to figure out what was going on".
- Don't narrate the typo you found on line 156: feedback best conveyed via a marked-up draft should be delivered via a marked-up draft.
An unconference is a participant driven meeting format where folks can organize sessions on any time they want. On Saturday morning we'll plan to have ~5 1-hour long sessions and 3-4 rooms/spaces. We won't set the schedule until Saturday morning but ideas for sessions you'd like to attend or run include:
- Working with Spark on Hyak
- Revising the online community Wikipedia page
Who's Coming?[edit]
Please add your name below if you think that you'll be attending any of the meetup's events! Also, if you'll be traveling and/or have food requirements, please fill out your information in the Accommodations section.
If you are planning on presenting during the critique and feedback sessions, add a "C&F with optional details next to your name on the list below! Not everybody will present so don't feel pressure to sign up.
Links in the table below are all protected by a username/password that should be in your email.
Attendee | C&F Session | Thursday Dinner | Friday Dinner | Underworld Tour |
Aaron (Attending remotely to the extent possible) | No | No | No | |
Sneha (Attending remotely for C&F session) | No | No | No | |
Jeremy | Dissertation proposal introduction chapter | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Kaylea | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Charlie | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Mako | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Emilia | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Nate | My diss proposal. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Salt | MA Thesis Matsuzaki outline | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Jim | Zooniverse paper | No | Yes | Yes |
Sayamindu | NSF CAREER proposal | No | Yes | Yes |
Abel | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Jonathan | No | No | No | |
Morten | No | Yes | No | |
Isaac | No | No | No | |
Amanda | No | Maybe | No | |
Sejal | No | Yes | Yes |
Everyone attending should plan to be around and available from Friday, March 29 8:30am (ideally, Thursday evening/afternoon too) through Saturday, March 30 3:00pm (including Friday evening).
There is an optional (but extremely fun!) get-together on Thursday, March 28 6:30pm that will involve dinner.
Thursday, March 28
- Afternoon: Evanstonians (and elsewheres) arrive in Seattle
- 6:30pm: Meet for Dinner @ Ba Bar
Friday, March 29
- 8:30am: Arrive + Breakfast (bagels or similar) @ Community Data Science Lab (UW) (CMU306)
- 9-12:00am: Research Presentations from Affiliates & Visitors (in room CMU322, down the hall from Community Data Science Lab (UW); 30 min max per talk including Q&A)
- 12-1pm: Order-in lunch from Saigon Deli @ Community Data Science Lab (UW)
- 1-4pm: Critique and feedback session 2 (5x30 minutes max + 5 minute buffer)
- 5:15pm: Dinner at Kaname Izakaya
- 7:30pm: Seattle Underworld Tour
Saturday, March 30
- 8:30am: Arrive + Breakfast (bagels or similar) @ Community Data Science Lab (UW) (CMU306)
- 9am-12:00pm: Unconference!
- 12pm-1pm: Lunch (Delivery from Xian Noodle)
- 1pm:-3pm: Unconference!
- 3pm-onward: Co-working session
Who's Hosting Who?[edit]
Guest | Tentative Host | Notes |
Emilia | Have a study with 1 bed in Bellevue |
Description of hosting options here[edit]
Example Person: Can host two people, one on futon, one on a comfy couch. Both in my living room.
Nate: Can host 1 person on a couch (2 if really needed -- air mattress). I won't be in Seattle before the 28th.
Dietary Restrictions[edit]
- [No need to add yourself here if you are unrestricted.]
Name | Dietary notes |
Mako | Vegetarian |
Charlie | Ovo-lacto vegetarian |
Emilia | Pescetarian |
Jim | Vegetarian |
Kaylea | don't eat fish (sushi and shellfish ok); don't eat eggs (chocolate cake ok) |
Abel | Flexitarian. Prefer vegetarian meal if there's available. |
Jeremy | Teetotaler |
Sejal | Don't eat seafood |
Ideas of fun things to do[edit]
- puzzle/escape rooms (including DIY ones we could do in the lab)
- Seattle underground tour
- Portal, a virtual reality bar, arcade, and lounge
- catered lunch at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard where might even be able to see spawning salmon
- a trip to the Seattle Aquarium
- a ride on a Washington State ferry
Where to eat[edit]
- Xi'an Noodles
- Hot Cakes
- City Grind At the Henry
- Guanaco's Pupuseria (one day's lunch)
- Saigon Deli
- Ba Bar
Travel Plans[edit]
If you are traveling in from outside, add your name and arrival details here (days, times and flights if you have them):
- Jeremy
- 🛬 March 28 - Arriving 2:27pm (AA 1213 ORD→SEA)
- 🛫 March 30 - Departing 6:00pm (AS 26 SEA→ORD)
- Status: Purchased
- Notes:
- Abel Serrano
- 🛬 March 26 - Arriving: 6:45pm (FLIGHT MADRID (SPAIN)→SEATTLE)
- 🛫 April 1 - Departing: 12:15 pm and Arriving: 6:25 pm (FLIGHT SEATTLE→CHICAGO)
- 🛫 April 3 - Departing: 3:50pm (FLIGHT CHICAGO→MADRID (SPAIN))
- Status: Purchased both national and international tickets.
- Notes: About lodging, I booked a hotel in Seattle from 26 to April 1, but can be cancelled very easily. I haven't got any housing for Chicago yet.
- Sayamindu
- 🛬 March 28 - Arriving 8:30 PM (AS 753 RDU ✈ SEA )
- 🛫 March 30 - Departing 1:50 PM (AS 2 SEA ✈ DCA)
- Jim
- 🛬 March 28 - Arriving 10:00 PM (Southwest 2138 MWD ✈ SEA )
- 🛫 April 1 - Departing 3:05 PM (Southwest 1624 SEA ✈ MDW)
- Mako!
- 🛬 March 28 - Arriving 8:45am (AS 321 SJC→SEA)
- 🛫 March 30 - Departing 8:45pm (AS 362 SEA→SJC)
- Status: Purchased
Seattle To-do[edit]
Lab duties[edit]
- Vacuum floors
- Clean refrigerator
- Clean coffee maker
- Find coffee urn
- Stock up on coffee
Meal planning[edit]
- Plan breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks
- Make reservations / catering orders for any restaurants
Activity planning[edit]
- Outline work-related events (feedback sessions, unconference, etc.)
- Decide on non-work events (escape room, karaoke, etc.)
- Call underground tour (NATE)
Previous Meetups[edit]
We meet roughly twice a year and you can see what we've done in the past at: