CommunityData:Message Walls

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Task Management

Future Tasks

  • Scrape admin and bot edits using a script from Mako

Next Steps (June 20th)

  • (Nate) Improve wiki list by identifying wikis that turn off the feature without turning on first (Done)
  • (Nate) Get muppet wiki Dr. Horrible Wiki edit weeks for Sneha (Due to Data Issues with muppet wiki will be sending drhorrible wiki instead)
  • (Salt or Nate) Do brute force mapping using revision ids and and hashing texts
  • (Sneha) Will play with muppet wiki data
  • (Sneha) create list of subsetting characteristics for study

Next Steps (June 13th)

  • Build a new dataset of dumps of the ~4800 wikis (Salt/Nate) (May take more than a week to generate all the new dumps)
  • Build a msgwall version of the build_edit_weeks file from the anon_edits paper (Nate)
  • Do analysis of alt history wiki and update (Sneha)
  • Create list of criteria to identify wikis we want to use in this study (Sneha)

Next Steps (June 6th)

  • Identify list of Wikis we will analyze from the tsv file.
    • This may depend on mapping between the urls in the tsv file and the dumps. Consider using HTTP redirects from the url under <siteinfo>.
  • Modify Wikiq to give an error message if the closing </mediawiki> tag is missing.
  • Sneha to take a look althistory data from Nate.
  • Nate will write a version of build_edit_weeks for the message wall project
  • Check back next meeting Tuesday (June 13th)