2022 Oct Attendee Prep List: Difference between revisions

From CommunityData
(TO-DO list before lab retreat)
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Revision as of 16:43, 9 October 2022

Please read this page very carefully as there are number of things everybody is required to do this include:

  1. [Everybody] Verify that all the information on the retreat page is fully up to date including your arrival and participation in events.# '

[Everybody]' Prepare your lightning and upload slides before DEADLINE

  1. [As many people as possible] Create and/or share a poster for our poster presentation.
  2. [New students and anybody who wants] Read "Coase's Penguin" before the meetup and be ready to participate in the reading group.
  3. [Everybody] think a bit about whether you have a half-baked idea you'd like to briefly offer up for feedback

Lightning Talks

We are going to have a lightning talk session on 10/14, Friday. The aim of this session is to help us quickly familiarize ourselves with everyone in the group. Everyone will get around five minutes to introduce themselves, their research interest, and their recent research to all other members of CDSC.

You may prepare for the talk before Friday morning, and upload your slides (if any) to the shared google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n_3Ye382aWMCOQs_Hl-cBaUCsrJjSANt?usp=sharing PS: You can find a template in the folder to help you organize your talk :)

Dao of CDSC

This is a panel discussion where we will talk about how we tend to do things and what we've learned on our journey to build a new kind of research community. If you have questions that you'd like to hear from the more senior members of our collective about, please add them to the agenda at https://wiki.communitydata.science/(dao/tao)_of_CDSC:_a_facilitated_panel -- Kaylea will facilitate. If you have questions you are reluctant to add under your own name, add them from an IP or use Tor :) or ask Kaylea/someone else to post it for you.

Care and Feeding

How can we better cultivate an environment where each of us can thrive? How do we more effectively forge our intellectual badassery and deepen our openhearted engagement with the social? This is a whole-group facilitated discussion. Mako and Aaron will lead. If you have concerns or prompts you are reluctant to add under your own name, add them from an IP or use Tor :) or ask Kaylea/someone else to post it for you.

Reception / Poster Session

We are hosting a reception and poster session on Friday afternoon. There are two asks:

If you can, please plan to bring/share a poster. It can be for a recently published paper or a new paper. If you want to make a poster, there is a Latex template in the CDSC git [????]. There is also [????]... It doesn't need to be fancy!

If you would like to print your poster in Seattle. please send a PDF to Mako by email (makohill@uw.edu) by end of day on Wednesday (earlier is better, of course) and we'll get it printed for you on Thursday.

If you are planning to have a poster, please update [[../#Reception]] page to add yourself to the list of people presenting.

Coase's Penguin Reading Group

During the Saturday morning unconference session, we'll be doing a reading group session for Yochai Benkler's foundational paper "Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and 'The Nature of the Firm'. In order to participate, we're expecting that folks will read the paper in full before the session (or re-read if it's been a while). We are expecting that new students to the group or anybody who has not read it will participate. It's not short (78 pages!) although it mostly footnotes and you can safely skip most of those.

The Great Half Bake Off

In the run-up to lunch on Saturday, we'll run a round of the Great Half Bake Off. Bring out your off-the-wall research ideas and let's have a bit of fun. We have limited slots, so sign up early with Kaylea if you know you want to play.

See details for how this works at https://wiki.communitydata.science/The_Great_Half_Bake-Off