User:Groceryheist/ut syllabus template

From CommunityData

Unique Number Semester

Class Meets: [Time, Days, and Location]

Instructor: [name and how you prefer to be addressed] Pronouns: [e.g., he/she/they]
Office: Office hours: [time, days] and by apointment
Email: Phone:
  • OPTIONAL: Carrying Handguns in my Personal Office  “Per my right, I prohibit carrying of handguns in my personal office. Note that this information will also be conveyed to all students verbally during the first week of class. This written notice is intended to reinforce the verbal notification and is not a “legally effective” means of notification in its own right.”

1 Course Description[edit]

1.1 University Catalog Course Description[edit]

[Paste description from course catalog.]

1.2 Pre-Requisites For the Course[edit]

[What courses, and if applicable course grades, are required to enroll in the course. This should be consistent with the course catalog.]

1.3 Learning Outcomes[edit]

  1. LO1
  2. LO2
  3. LO3

1.4 Flag Courses[edit]

Instructors teaching courses that carry one or more of the Skills and Experience Flags are requested to include a statement about the Flag(s) in their syllabus. Suggested wording for these statements may be found here.

2 How Will You Learn?[edit]

2.1 Teaching Modality Information[edit]

[State the course modality and clearly explain how class meetings will be conducted. Modalities could include fully online (asynchronous or a combination of synchronous/asynchronous learning), in-person (requires in-person attendance), or hybrid (online plus optional in-person class time). The course modality must match the modality published in the Course Schedule.

If there will be no alternative to in-person attendance, other than normal emergency accommodations, note this clearly (some in-person course instructors choose to post course recordings, and students get confused and think everyone is required to do so). If the course has multiple formats—e.g. lecture, lab and discussion, group learning projects and/or presentations—these should be explained.]

2.2 Communication[edit]

The course Canvas site can be found at Please email me through Canvas. You are responsible for ensuring that the primary email address you have recorded with the university is the one you will check for course communications because that is the email address that Canvas uses.

2.3 Asking for Help[edit]

Share with students how best to access or ask questions of the instructor (and teaching assistants) outside of class time, and/or how will office hours be conducted.

2.4 University Policies and Resources[edit]

For a list of important university policies and helpful resources that you may need as you engage with and navigate your courses and the university, see the University Policies and Resources Students Canvas page. The page includes the language of the University Honor Code, Title IX legal requirements for Texas employees, and information about how to receive support through the office of Disability & Access.

3 Course Requirements and Grading[edit]

3.1 Required Materials[edit]

[A list of required and recommended course materials, such as textbooks, image collections, audio and audiovisual materials, supplies, articles, chapters, and excerpts as appropriate, identified by author, title, and publisher.]

3.2 Sharing of Course Material is Prohibited[edit]

[Anyone concerned about the unauthorized sharing of their course materials through online sites should consider adding the statement listed below to their syllabus. Including this statement regarding the posting and/or use of your course content by students establishes a proactive directive to students that is helpful to the office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in administering the conduct process should the material be posted in opposition to your written directive.]

No materials used in this class, including, but not limited to, lecture hand-outs, videos, assessments (quizzes, exams, papers, projects, homework assignments), in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets, may be shared online or with anyone outside of the class without my explicit, my written permission. Unauthorized sharing of materials may facilitate cheating. The University is aware of the sites used for sharing materials, and any materials found online that are associated with you, or any suspected unauthorized sharing of materials, will be reported to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students. These reports can result in initiation of the student conduct process and include charge(s) for academic misconduct, potentially resulting in sanctions, including a grade impact.

4 Required Devices[edit]

[Any devices, especially computers or other electronic devices, that are needed to succeed in the course.]

5 Confidentiality of Class Recordings[edit]

[If class recordings that include student personally identifiable information are to be made, UT Legal has indicated that the following disclosure should be included in the syllabus and wherever recordings are posted on Canvas.]

Class recordings are reserved only for students in this class for educational purposes and are protected under FERPA. The recordings should not be shared outside the class in any form. Violation of this restriction by a student could lead to Student Misconduct proceedings.

6 Getting Help with Technology[edit]

Students needing help with technology in this course should contact the ITS Service Desk or [insert contact information for your local support unit(s) and for course materials, software, hardware, or other technology used in your course].

6.1 Classroom Expectations[edit]

Class attendence [State your expectations for attendance with the rationale. Explain the consequences for not attending if there are any. If participation is included in the course grade, you should also list it in the assignments under “Grading for this Course.”]

Class participation [What do you mean by this and how they can succeed? If participation is included in the course grade, you should also list it in the assignments under “Grading for this Course.” ]

Behavior expectations [State the guidelines and ground rules for appropriate behavior. You can reference a class-specific code of conduct (some instructors ask students to write this during the first week of class) or, more formally and officially, Section 11-400 of the Institutional Rules in the General Information Catalog.]

Professional standards [List and describe any professional standards that apply in your school or to the subject being studied in your course.]

6.2 Content Warning[edit]

Our classroom provides an open space for the critical and orderly exchange of ideas through discussion. Some readings and other content in this course will include topics and comments that some students may find offensive and/or traumatizing. I’ll aim to forewarn students about potentially disturbing content and I ask all students to help to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and sensitivity.

6.3 Artificial Intelligence[edit]

[The office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity recommends including a statement about the use of artificial intelligence tools in class and outlines three levels of permissibility to choose from, please tailor the below statement to meet your needs:

“The creation of artificial intelligence tools for widespread use is an exciting innovation. These tools have both appropriate and inappropriate uses in classwork. The use of artificial intelligence tools (such as ChatGPT) in this class:

  • …is strictly prohibited. This includes using AI to generate ideas, outline an approach, answer questions, solve problems, or create original language. All work in this course must be your own or created in group work, where allowed.
  • …shall be permitted on a limited basis. You will be informed as to the assignments for which AI may be utilized. You are also welcome to seek my prior-approval to use AI writing tools on any assignment. In either instance, AI writing tools should be used with caution and proper citation, as the use of AI should be properly attributed. Using AI writing tools without my permission or authorization, or failing to properly cite AI even where permitted, shall constitute a violation of UT Austin’s Institutional Rules on academic integrity.
  • …is permitted for students who wish to use them, provided the content generated by AI is properly cited.

If you are considering the use of AI writing tools but are unsure if you are allowed or the extent to which they may be utilized appropriately, please ask.”

For more information about AI in education, see the Center for Teaching and Learning’s “5 Things to Know about ChatGPT” webpage that includes additional suggested syllabi statements for your consideration.]

6.4 Assignments[edit]

The following table represents how you will demonstrate your learning and how we will assess the degree to which you have done so.

Assignments Points Possible Percent of Total Grade

6.5 Late Work and Making Up Missed Work[edit]

[Description of your policies around late work, e.g., late work is not accepted, or late work is accepted subject to an x-point grade reduction for every y hours late, etc. And a description of your policies and procedures around makeup assignments for missed work.]

6.6 Absences[edit]

[Describe if and how attendance will be used in determining the course grade, as well as any policies that apply to absences in your course.]

6.7 Religious Holy Days[edit]

By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence for a religious holy day as far in advance as possible of the date of observance. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence.

6.8 Equitable Accommodation[edit]

[Specify policies such as dropping one or two assignment/quiz grades for any reason, or the option for taking a cumulative make-up exam if one exam is missed for any reason.]

6.9 Extra Credit[edit]

[Description of your policies: e.g., if you provide opportunities for extra credit, how is it awarded?]

6.10 +/- Grading Policy[edit]

[Disclose whether or not +/- grades will be used for the final class grade.]

6.11 Grade Breaks[edit]

[Include the grade breakdown for your class.]

Grade cutoffs
Grade Cutoff
A 94%
A- 90%
B+ 87%
B 84%
B- 80%
C+ 77%
C 74%
C- 70%
D+ 67%
D 64%
D- 60%
F <60%

6.12 Academic Integrity Expectations[edit]

Students who violate University rules on academic misconduct are subject to the student conduct process. A student found responsible for academic misconduct may be assigned both a status sanction and a grade impact for the course. The grade impact could range from a zero on the assignment in question up to a failing grade in the course. A status sanction can include a written warning, probation, deferred suspension or dismissal from the University. To learn more about academic integrity standards, tips for avoiding a potential academic misconduct violation, and the overall conduct process, please visit the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity website.

[It is strongly recommended that you outline any individual expectations for assignment completion- including parameters around group work, authorized resources, citation requirements, etc. in the assignment directions. Clear and detailed expectations not only reduce the likelihood of a possible violation, but they also aid the Student Conduct team in holding students accountable that fail to adhere to the assignment directions.]

7 Course Outline[edit]

All instructions, assignments, readings, rubrics and essential information will be on the Canvas website. Check Canvas regularly. Changes to the schedule may be made at my discretion if circumstances require. I will announce any such changes in class and will also communicate them via a Canvas announcement. It is your responsibility to note these changes when announced, and I will do my best to ensure that you are notified of changes with as much advance notice as possible.

[Syllabus must include all major course requirements and assignments, along with the dates of exams and assignments that count for 20% or more of the class grade. Also, recall that per the General Information Catalog no exam counting for more than 30% of the final course grade may be given during the last week of class, or during no-class days/reading days preceding the final exam period.]

Week Date Day Class Topic Out of Class Activities Assignments Due

8 Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC)[edit]

Students who are struggling for any reason and who believe that it might impact their performance in the course are urged to reach out to Bryce Moffett if they feel comfortable. This will allow her to provide any resources or accommodations that she can. If immediate mental health assistance is needed, call the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) at 512-471-3515 or you may also contact Bryce Moffett, LCSW (iSchool CARE counselor) at 512-232-4449. Bryce’s office is located in FAC18S and she holds drop in Office Hours on Wednesday from 2-3pm. For urgent mental health concerns, please contact the CMHC 24/7 Crisis Line at 512-471-2255.

9 Important Safety Information[edit]

9.1 Carrying of Handguns on Campus[edit]

Students in this class should be aware of the following university policies related to Texas’ Open Carry Law:

  • Students in this class who hold a license to carry are asked to review the university policy regarding campus carry.
  • Individuals who hold a license to carry are eligible to carry a concealed handgun on campus, including in most outdoor areas, buildings and spaces that are accessible to the public, and in classrooms.
  • It is the responsibility of concealed-carry license holders to carry their handguns on or about their person at all times while on campus. Open carry is NOT permitted, meaning that a license holder may not carry a partially or wholly visible handgun on campus premises or on any university driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.