Facilitator Tips
From CommunityData
Steps for Facilitators -- virtual C + F[edit]
1. [1-2 months before] Think about whether you might modify the format and narrow down dates. Read through norms pages and wiki docs to make sure you're satisfied with the program.
2. [3-4 weeks in advance] Poll the group to set a date and time. Make sure announcements go to the mailing list since not everyone is on IRC and not everyone on IRC has backscroll.
3. [2-3 weeks in advance] Send out the call for submissions and work on setting the final schedule for the day.
4. [2 weeks in advance] Announce the schedule.
5. [1 week in advance] On submission due date, remind anyone who hasn't sent out work.
6. [2 days before C + F] Send out links and reminders
7. Day of the C + F, your tasks will be:
- Post links to norms and etherpad
- Get at least two volunteers who are not presenting work to be note-taking minders, one for each half; the notes minder helps make sure that notes are happening and captures whatever isn't getting captured. Note-taking can be tiring and it can be hard to both give feedback and watch the notes.
- Make sure turn taking is happening and nudge the group to follow the process if needed
- Keep an eye on the clock: set an alarm and give a 5-minute warning prior to end of the time block
Session format example:
Time | |
Opening words | 2 minutes |
1st submission | 25 minutes |
2st submission | 25 minutes |
Break | 10 minutes |
3rd submission | 25 minutes |
4th submission | 25 minutes |
Break | 10 minutes |
5th submission | 25 minutes |
6th submission | 25 minutes |
Closing words | 2 minutes |
- WhenIsGood poll for scheduling the session: https://whenisgood.net/
- GoogleForm questionnaire for seeing who might submit: https://tinyurl.com/y88u67zg
- Etherpad for recording session feedback: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org
- jitsi for the virtual meeting: http://meet.jit.si/cdsc