
From CommunityData

What is this for?[edit]

Zenodo is an open access archival repository hosted by CERN that is available to anyone in the world. We (plan to) use Zenodo to archive a series of Research Briefings created alongside our Science of Community Dialogues series. We have a CDSC community page within Zenodo that is managed by members of our team.

How should I add things?[edit]

  • (required) Create an account: If you have not done so already, you'll need a Zenodo account to create a new archival upload. You should be able to do this from the main page.
  • Join the CDSC Community: Contact Aaron with the email address and/or your Zenodo user name so he can "invite" you to be a member of the group. You should receive a notification of the invitation via the Zenodo "dashboard" for your user account.
  • Visit the the CDSC Zenodo "community", of which you should be a member as soon as Aaron (and you) process the invitation.
  • Start a new upload: From the CDSC Community page, there should be a green button you can click that says "New upload." Go ahead and click this. It will ask you to upload your thing and provide a bunch of metadata. A few tips:
    • You can reserve a DOI as part of the "new upload" workflow and add it to your materials before uploading.
    • We haven't used this (much) yet, so we're still resolving some aspects of the workflow. Check back here for more info as we iron out some of the specifics.