From CommunityData
tmux lets you switch between windows (listed in the green bar at the bottom) here are several useful commands:
- Starts a new tmux: tmux (at the command line)
- Connect to an existing tmux: tmux attach (at the command line)
- Create a new window: Ctrl-b c (from within tmux)
- Switch to window N: Ctrl-b N (from within tmux)
- PROTIP: Don't hold the buttons.
- Disconnect from tmux: Ctrl-b d (from within tmux)
- To shut down tmux close terminal without disconnecting. Reattach and repeat to make sure every tmux window is closed.
- To exit an individual tmux attachment just close the window with Ctrl d or by typing exit in the command line.
More elaborate cheat-sheets like this one (pdf) are available elsewhere.