CommunityData:Exporting from Python to R
From CommunityData
I run a cell like this at the top:
# import code to write r modules and create our variable we'll write to import rpy2.robjects as robjects from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri pandas2ri.activate() r = {} def remember(name, x): r[name] = x display(x) #save the r function to rdata file def save_to_r(r_dict, filename="output.RData"): for var_name, x in r.items(): var_name = var_name.replace('_', '.') if type(x) == numpy.int64: x = np.asscalar(x) if type(x) == pd.DataFrame: rx = pandas2ri.py2ri(x) else: rx = x robjects.r.assign(var_name, x) # create a new variable called in R robjects.r("r <- sapply(ls(), function (x) {eval(parse(text=x))})") robjects.r('save("r", file="{}")'.format(filename)) robjects.r("rm(list=ls())")
At the end, I save the file in the normal way:
save_to_r(r, "network_data.RData")