Tor and Wikipedia

From CommunityData

Data Sources

We're pulling data from CollectTor.

How is Tor blocked on Wikipedia


There is a MediaWiki plugin called Extension:TorBlock. Source code is in a Phabricator repository.

What we can tell about how it works:

  • during a period from XXXX to XXXX it read from the Trob Project bulk list service (link?)
  • after XXXX, it pulls from the newerer "Onionoo" service
  • pulls perioditically, typically from a cronjob

Blocked through MediaWiki

  • Blocks are recorded in Special:Log (e.g., ENWP).
  • Included in the XML file ???

Structure of XML file:

Open questions

  • There are notes in the log that suggest that some IP addresses are "confirmed Tor Nodes" (e.g., ???) that are blocked through MediaWiki. Why are these not caught? Are they are in CollectTor?