Statistics and Statistical Programming (Winter 2017)/Problem Set: Week 6

From CommunityData

Programming Challenges

PC0. I've provided the full dataset from which I drew each of your samples in a TSV file in the directory week_05 in class assignment git repository. These are tab delimited, not comma delimited. TSV, is related to CSV and is also a common format. Go ahead and load it into R (HINT: read.delim()). Take the mean of the variable x in that dataset. That is the true population mean — the thing we have been creating estimates of in week 2 and week 3.

Statistical Questions from OpenIntro §6

Q0. Any questions or clarifications from the OpenIntro text or lecture notes?
Q1. Exercise 6.12 on public opinion about cannabis legalization
Q2. Exercise 6.20 a continuation of 6.12
Q3. Exercise 6.38 on translating a problem in English into statistical tests
Q4. Exercise 6.50 another voter/public opinion question

Questions on the Empirical Paper

Let's just go back to the Buechley and Hill paper on LilyPad Arduino:

Q5. For Study 1, lets focus on the statistical test:
  • (a) What is the unit of analysis? What is the dependent variable? The independent variable? What are groups being compared in the test? Is it a one-way or two-way design?
  • (b) What is the null hypothesis being tested? What is the alternative hypothesis?
  • (c) Summarize ore restate results in statistical terms. Explain what these results mean in substantive terms? How convincing do you find these results? What should we be taking away?
  • (d) Why weren't we happy just leaving it where we did in week 2? Why bother with the statistical test?
Q6. Do the same as above but for Study 2.