Statistics and Statistical Programming (Winter 2017)/Problem Set: Week 3

From CommunityData

This is general advice going forward but it makes sense to include it here: My advice is to start working through the programming challenges first. The programming challenges will only include material that we covered in the readings for the previous week.

If you're having trouble loading up your dataset (PC2) find me in the next day or so as you will only be able to do the other challenges once you've done that one.

Programming Challenges

PC0. Check the list of GitHub repositories page here. A few of you (Maggie, Luyue, and Janny) named yours something like "week_02." Although there's no problem with this, it might cause confusion going forward when you add homework for future works. So if you're Maggie, Janny, and Luyue, I recommend that you create and push a new repository/directory with a more generic name which you can use for all your future assignments. For everybody else, please copy your files and work for this (and all future) problem sets into the same repository you used last time.
PC1. In the class assignments GitHub repository (uwcom521-assignments), I've uploaded a new dataset for each person in the class in the subdirectory week_03. Sync my repository, find your file, copy into your homework directory which is managed by Git. Commit your dataset file into your personal homework git repository.

Statistical Questions

Exercises from OpenIntro §2

Q0. Any questions or clarifications from the OpenIntro text or lecture notes?
Q1. Exercise 3.4 on triathlon times
Q2. Exercise 3.6 which is basically a continuation of 3.4
Q3. Exercise 3.18 on evaluating normal approximation
Q4. Exercise 3.32 on arachnophobia (spiders are frequent concern in statistical programming)

Empirical Paper

There will be no empirical paper this week. Understanding probability distributions is fundamental to statistics but few people really end there so it's hard to find a paper that is just about this.