Statistics and Statistical Programming (Winter 2017)/Problem Set: Week 1

From CommunityData

Statistical Questions

Excercises from OpenIntro §1

Several of these questions draw from Study 4 of the following paper (although I don't think it critical to look back at that paper to answer of the questions):

Piff, Paul K., Daniel M. Stancato, Stéphane Côté, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Dacher Keltner. 2012. “Higher Social Class Predicts Increased Unethical Behavior.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(11):4086–91. [Available through UW Libraries]
  1. Exercise 1.6 about identifying cases, variables, types, and research questions
  2. Exercise 1.12 about populations, samples, and generalizability
  3. Exercise 1.52 about means and medians from a histogram
  4. Exercise 1.56 about skewness and choosing appropriate statistics
  5. Excercise 1.64 about selecting certain types of visualizations over others

Empirical Paper

Kramer, Adam D. I., Jamie E. Guillory, and Jeffrey T. Hancock. 2014. “Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(24):8788–90. [Available through UW libraries]

Programming Challenges

Because this is our first week, there are no programming challenges this week.