Intro to Programming and Data Science (Summer 2020)/Day 4 Coding Challenges

From CommunityData

Python for Everybody

Chapter 7:

  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3

Wordplay Level 2

  • For every letter, print the word that uses that character the most. Hint: use two nested for loops. First one is
   for letter in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
       # do something
  • Find the longest string where no character appears more than 1 time. (Hint: look up counters)
  • Use Python to find one other interesting fact about the data set. Examples (that you can't use) might be:
    • One of the words that is tied for the most vowels is aquifoliaceous
    • The word with the highest consonant to vowel ratio is sulphhydryls