This page collects resources for Community Data Science Collective members.
New Member Resources[edit]
New members of the CDSC should check out both of the links below to become acquainted with the various resources and tools used within the group.
Non-Technical Resources[edit]
- Schedule — Deadlines, events, and similar
- CommunityData:Workshop — Weekly workshop sessions for sharing work and getting feedback
- CommunityData:Jargon — Jargon and Common Shorthand
- CommunityData:Logos — Like our visual branding, not like λόγος. Although we should always make sure we're good in that department too. very clear pointers. Save yourself the trouble and learn to follow these today!
- CommunityData:Prospective students — Some materials we have provided to prospective students and used in organizing Q&A events.
- CommunityData:General examinations motivating questions — A set of questions borrowed and adapted from Jennifer Turns that are a useful ways to start preparing for general examinations.
- CommunityData:Planning document — Details on producing Matsuzaki-style planning documents
- CommunityData:Research participant compensation — Notes on procedures related to human subjects compensation (e.g. for interview studies)
- CommunityData:Conferences and Journals — List of venues that group members often submit work to
- CommunityData:Research dissemination — Getting the word out about your work. Some starting points that people in the group have found helpful in the past.
Communication Infrastructure[edit]
The CDSC uses three primary modes of internal communication: email lists, IRC channels, and Jitsi video conference calling.
Email lists[edit]
New members of this group will need to subscribe to CDSC email lists to stay up to date with important information like group announcements or review shared materials before meetings and workshops. See the link below on how to subscribe to our email lists:
- CommunityData:Email — Information on email lists, email aliases and their management.
New members should also join the CDSC IRC channel for synchronous communication (live chat) between group members. See the link below on how to connect to our IRC channel and get set up with IRC in general:
- CommunityData:IRC — How to get set up on our chat system, IRC
Finally, the CDSC primarily uses Jitsi for video conference calls for weekly group meetings. You will want to learn how to use Jitsi and proper etiquette during video call meetings by checking out the link below:
- CommunityData:Jitsi — Some etiquette/usability tips for Jitsi, our preferred video conference tool.
Blogs and Wiki Information[edit]
For information on how the CDSC blogs, tweets, posts, etc., check out the links below:
- CommunityData:Blog and social media — Writing/editing blogposts, tweets, and social media
- CommunityData:Blog post schedule — What's up next?
- CommunityData:Wiki — this very wiki that you're readings things on RIGHT NOW
Research Infrastructure[edit]
- CommunityData:Code — List of software projects maintained by the collective.
- CommunityData:Dataverse — How to use the Community Data Science Dataverse within the Harvard Dataverse (archive replication materials).
- CommunityData:Etherpad — We use Etherpad for collaborative real-time note-taking and such. This page has some information about that as well details about how to make sure your pad is backedup.
- CommunityData:Git — Getting set up on the git server
- — Audio-to-text transcription software
- CommunityData:MySQL — How to use MySQL databases on Kibo.
- CommunityData:Taguette — Qualitative coding analysis software
- CommunityData:Tmux — Using tmux (terminal multiplexer) to keep a persistent session on a server.
- CommunityData:Zenodo — How to use Zenodo, another repository to archive research artifacts.
- CommunityData:Zotero — How to use our shared Zotero directory.
Papers, Presentations, and Templates[edit]
Stuff related to getting setup and/or troubleshooting things related to LaTeX and papers:
- CommunityData:Automating and Streamlining Walkthrough A friendly walkthrough of several of the below technologies
- CommunityData:TeX — Installing our LaTeX templates
- CommunityData:TeX#Using the poster template — a little bit of detail on how to find/use the poster template
- CommunityData:Beamer — Installing/using Mako's Beamer templates
- CommunityData:Knitr — Using Knitr with Tex to build graphs, tables, insert and format numbers in tex documents.
- CommunityData:Embedding fonts in PDFs —
creates PDFs with fonts that are not embedded which, in turn, causes the ACM to bounce our papers back. This page describes how to fix it. - CommunityData:Build papers — Both the TeX and Beamer templates above come along with a Makefile that makes some assumptions about your workflow. Learn about that here.
- CommunityData:LaTeX to Word — Some journals require submissions in Word format. Here are some options for doing that.
- CommunityData:LaTex Diff — For an R+R, it's often helpful to create a PDF that shows the changes made. Here's one way to do that.
A few of us use HTML-based presentation. Information on that is here:
- CommunityData:reveal.js — Using RMarkdown to create reveal.js HTML presentations
Computation, Servers, and HPC[edit]
- CommunityData:Compute Overview and Resource Matching -- What we have and what it's good for
- CommunityData:Hyak — Using the Hyak supercomputer system at UW for research (several pages are linked from the top of that page)
- CommunityData:Hyak_tutorial - Tutorial for new people to learn how to use Hyak.
- CommunityData:Kibo — Getting started with the Kibo system at NU for research.
- CommunityData:MySQL — Creating MySQL databases on Kibo
- CommunityData:Northwestern VPN — Connecting to the Northwestern VPN
- CommunityData:Backups (nada) — Details on what is, and what isn't, backed up from nada.
- CommunityData:When a service is down
Research and Data[edit]
- CommunityData:ORES - Using ORES with wikipedia data
- CommunityData:Wikia data — Documents information about how to get and validate wikia dumps.
Project Pages:
- CommunityData:Message Walls -- Documents information about how to get and validate wikia dumps.
Future Meetings and Conferences[edit]
We typically have an annual CDSC retreat; you can see pages for many of them in the Past Meetups section below. They often include workshopping, which historically involved CommunityData:Critique and Feedback Sessions.
Conferences we often attend include ICA, CHI, CSCW, as well as many others. You can find information about the upcoming iteration of those conferences on their respective websites.
Past Meetups[edit]
Group meetups (CDSC retreats):
- CommunityData:Meetup_September_2023
- CommunityData:Meetup October 2022
- Online Retreat October 2021
CommunityData:Meetup April 2020(cancelled due to COVID)- CommunityData:Meetup September 2019
- CommunityData:Meetup March 2019
- CommunityData:Meetup September 2018
- CommunityData:Meetup April 2018
- CommunityData:Meetup April 2018: Organizational notes
- CommunityData:Meetup July 2017
Other meetups:
University of Washington Resources[edit]
- CommunityData:Related seminars at UW
- CommunityData:IRB training for Scratch Research at UW
- CommunityData:UW NetID
- CommunityData:Reimbursements (UW) — Information on the (rather complicated!) process for getting reimbursed at UW
- Community Data Science Lab (UW) — Directions to the lab space at UW. This is something you can share with visitors.
Northwestern Resources[edit]
- Community Data Science Lab (NU) Pandemic research plan — Pandemic research plan for CDSC NU created as part of Northwestern's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- CommunityData:NU grant reimbursement
- Aaron's OH sign up
- Community Data Science Lab (NU) — Directions to the lab space at NU. This is something you can share with visitors.
Purdue Resources[edit]
To be populated soon!
- CommunityData:Light events — The light in the lab at UW is funny. We have three fluorescent lights. On flipping the light switch, only two turn on. The third turns on eventually. We are studying this arcane phenomenon.
- CommunityData:GameIDs — A directory containing the game IDs for CDSC members to connect with each other across various gaming platforms.
- CommunityData:Lab art - A page with sources of ~physical lab decor~
- CommunityData:Group Tasks - A collection of different tasks that benefit the group.
- CommunityData:Roles - A page describing the current membership roles and expectations around them.