
From CommunityData

Kibo is a server that CDSC has which can be used for research. It's a pretty powerful computer (2x14 core processors, 12x32GB memory, 12x2.4TB storage). To use Kibo, you will need to have a NU NetID and often, the Northwestern VPN. Instructions are below.

Getting access to Kibo

The first step will be getting a NU NetID. You should contact [Aaron Shaw] for this. If you already have a NU NetID (e.g. you are a Northwestern student), you can skip this initial step, but you still need your NetID to be given access to kibo.

Once you have a NetID, you should contact to let Aaron know along with the NetID. He will contact the Northwestern IT folks and they will enable your NetID account to access the Kibo system.

Logging into Kibo

Now that you have access, you can log into kibo! If you're off the NU campus, you need to use the Northwestern VPN to connect. Instructions for the VPN are [here]. Once you have a NU NetID and the VPN set up:

  1. Connect to Northwestern University using the VPN (GlobalConnect)
  2. Open your terminal and ssh
  3. The first time you connect it will ask you if you are sure you want to continue connecting. You are sure (presumably). Type yes and enter.
  4. It will prompt you for's password. Enter your NU NetID password and you should now be connected.

Documentation and Next Steps

Viewing image files

We currently don't have anything set up to open and see the image files stored on the remote Kibo machine from the terminal. For now, the easy solution would be to:

scp -T -r .

in a folder on your local machine. This securely copies the files to the current directory that you are in. You will have to enter your password as if you were logging into kibo.

If you use VS Code, there is a very nifty extension that can be used, instructions and more information for which can be found [here].