Community Data Science Course (Spring 2016)/Day 3 Notes

From CommunityData
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  • Use dictionaries to store key/value pairs.
  • Dictionaries do not guarantee ordering.
  • A given key can only have one value, but multiple keys can have the same value.


>>> my_dict = {}
>>> my_dict
>>> your_dict = {"Alice" : "chocolate", "Bob" : "strawberry", "Cara" : "mint chip"}
>>> your_dict
{'Bob': 'strawberry', 'Cara': 'mint chip', 'Alice': 'chocolate'}

Adding elements to a dictionary[edit]

>>> your_dict["Dora"] = "vanilla"
>>> your_dict
{'Bob': 'strawberry', 'Cara': 'mint chip', 'Dora': 'vanilla', 'Alice': 'chocolate'}

Accessing elements of a dictionary[edit]

>>> your_dict["Alice"]
>>> your_dict.get("Alice")
>>> your_dict["Eve"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'Eve'
>>> "Eve" in your_dict
>>> "Alice" in your_dict
>>> your_dict.get("Eve")
>>> person = your_dict.get("Eve")
>>> print(person)
>>> print(type(person))
<type 'NoneType'>
>>> your_dict.get("Alice")

Changing elements of a dictionary[edit]

>>> your_dict["Alice"] = "coconut"
>>> your_dict
{'Bob': 'strawberry', 'Cara': 'mint chip', 'Dora': 'vanilla', 'Alice': 'coconut'}


Challenge: using wordplay example from last week, count the number of words that start with each letter.

This kind of problem is very common Data Science, and it is easy with a dictionary.

(note: I will post the solution after class)

For-loops and dictionaries[edit]

There are two common ways to iterate through dictionaries:

>>> ages = {'Tommy': 32, Zula: '9', 'Joanna': 18}
>>> for key in ages:
>>>     print(key + " is " + str(ages[key]) + " years old")
>>> for key, value in ages.items():
>>>     print(key + " is " + str(value) + " years old")