Statistics and Statistical Programming (Winter 2017)/R lecture outline: Week 1

From CommunityData

Lecture Outline

Intro to R and basic variables types:

  • using R as a calculator:
    • addition: 2 + 2
    • subtraction: 2 - 3
    • multiplication: 5 * 4
    • division: 5/2
    • more complicated stuff: use parentheses!
    • powers: 2^2; 2^3
  • variables
    • the basic concept and how they work
    • syntax for assignment: use <- (although = equals too, it's not idiomatic R)
    • what makes a valid variables name: starts with a letter, contains letters and numbers; case is important; instead of spaces, use "." (not _ as in Python, although _ will usually work too)
    • saving numbers to variables: cups.of.flour <- 2
    • special variables built in: pi (we'll see many more)
    • variables can be set to anything!
    • there's also one special thing: NA (no quotes!) which means missing
  • types of variables
    • numeric: we've already seen, with or without the decimal point
    • character: name <- "mako" (uses single or double quotes)
    • logical: TRUE or FALSE (all caps)
  • functions: contains parentheses right after the variable name
    • functions take some input (called an argument) and provide some output (called the output or something the return value) — both are optional!
    • the most important function: help()
    • there are many built in functions including:
      • sqrt()
      • log()
      • log1p() — super useful!
      • class() — tells you what type of variable you have
      • ls()
      • check your reference card for many, many more
  • vectors: you can think of a vector as like a list of things that are all the same time (lists, which will come to letter, actually refer to lists of things that might be of different types!)
    • in R, all variables are vectors! although many have just one thing in them! that's why it prints out [1] next to every numbers
    • you can make vectors with a special function: c(), like ages <- c(36, 4, 35)
    • vectors can be of any type but they have to one type: c("mako", "mika")
    • if you mix vectors together, they will be "coerced"(!)
    • slicing or indexing:
      • basic syntax: ages[1]; ages[2]
      • more complex: ages[1:2]
      • assignment through indexing: ages[1] <- 20
    • most math operators operate on vectors with recycling: ages * 2; ages - 3
    • vectors can names for elements! we can set those with names():
      • names(ages)
      • names(ages) <- c("mako", "atom", "mika")
      • once we do that, we can index with names: ages["mako"]
    • many functions are particularly useful on vectors with multiple elements:
      • some functions return a single item: sum(); mean(); sd(); median(); var(); length()
      • some return vectors: sort(); head(); range();
      • some functions return other things: table(); summary()
  • more advanced variables types:
    • factors: for categorical data
      • make with factor("mako", "mika", "mako")
      • you can create factors from characters with as.factor()
    • also think about: dates with POSIXct(), ordered() — really just a type of factor for ordinal data
  • using logical vectors to index and recode data:
    • comparison operators will return logical variables: rivers > 300; rivers < 300; rivers <= 320; rivers == 210; rivers != 210
    • indexing with logicals: rivers[rivers > 300]
    • recoding data: my.rivers <- rivers; rivers[rivers < 300] <- NA
  • basic plotting and visualization:
    • boxplot() — boxplots
    • hist() — draw histograms
    • density() — density plots
  • installing new pacakges and loading new datasets:
    • install.packages("UsingR")
    • install.packages("openintro")
      • library(UsingR) no quotes!