Statistics and Statistical Programming (Winter 2017)/R lecture outline: Week 1
From CommunityData
Lecture Outline
- using R as a calculator:
- addition: 2 + 2
- subtraction: 2 - 3
- multiplication: 5 * 4
- division: 5/2
- more complicated stuff: use parentheses!
- powers: 2^2; 2^3
- variables
- the basic concept and how they work
- syntax for assignment: use <- (although = equals too, it's not idiomatic R)
- what makes a valid variables name: starts with a letter, contains letters and numbers; case is important; instead of spaces, use "." (not _ as in Python, although _ will usually work too)
- saving numbers to variables: cups.of.flour <- 2
- special variables built in: pi (we'll see many more)
- types of variables
- numeric: we've already seen, with or without the decimal point
- character: name <- "mako" (uses single or double quotes)
- logical: TRUE or FALSE (all caps)
- functions: contains parens right after the variable name
- there are many built in functions including:
- sqrt()
- log()
- log1p() — super useful!
- check your reference card for many, many more
- there are many built in functions including:
- vectors: you can think of a vector as like a list of things that are all the same time (lists, which will come to letter, actually refer to lists of things that might be of different types!)
- in R, all variables are vectors! although many have just one thing in them! that's why it prints out [1] next to every numbers