Community Data Science Course (Spring 2016)/Day 3 Coding Challenges

From CommunityData


  1. Search for your own name. Are there both boys and girls that have your name? Is it more popular for one group than for the other?
    1. Hint: don't use a for loop for this one.
  2. What is the most common name for each gender?
  3. What is the least common?
  4. How often does the least common occur? (Does that bother you?)
  5. Are there more boys names or girls names?
    1. What about that start with "a"?
    2. For every letter, tell if there are more boys names or girls names.
  6. What is the longest name in the dataset?
  7. How many boys and girls are described in the dataset (i.e., how many boys and girls born in 2013 have names given to at least four others)?
  8. How many boys names are also girls names? How many girls names are also boys names?
  9. What is the most popular girls name that is also a boys name?
  10. Discover at least one fact about the names that is not listed above.
  11. Challenge plot (in Excel) the number of people who share a name with n other people in the data set, where n is 4 to 19.


  1. Re-work anything above and make sure you are understand it
  2. Get the ratio of names that start with each letter.
  3. Are girls or boys more likely to have a name that is used by both genders?
    1. Do this for boys and girls.
    2. Hint First line of output is a boys: 0.10120456305133887 girls: 0.18231978026407467
  4. What are the most common names for boys and for girls?