Week 1: March 28
- Assignments due
- fill out the pre-course survey
- Agenda
- Quick introductions — Be ready to introduce yourself and describe your interest and goals in the class.
- Why Programming and Data Science for UX Research? — What this course is about
- Class overview and expectations — We'll walk through this syllabus.
- Group formation — We'll assemble in our peer programming groups for the first time.
- Installation and setup — You'll install software including the Python programming language and run through a series of exercises.
- Interactive lecture: programming concepts 1
- Self-guided tutorial and exercises — You'll work through a self-guided tutorial to practice the basic concepts we introduced in the lecture.
- Homework
- Complete Self-guided tutorial and exercises (if you didn't finish this in class).
- Complete CodeAcademy lessons
- Resources
- Python for Informatics: Preface and Chapter 1 Why should you learn to write programs?
Week 2: April 4
- Agenda
- Review concepts we covered last week
- Interactive lecture: programming concepts 2
- Peer programming exercise: Baby Names (download)
- Homework
- Complete the second set of CodeAcademy lessons
- Work on the Week 2 coding challenges
- Create a Wikimedia account & submit your username using <this form>
- Resources
- Python for Informatics: Chapter 2 Variables, expressions and statements and Chapter 3 Conditional execution
Week 3: April 11
- Class schedule
- Interactive lecture: creating your own functions
- Day 3 lecture - working with web data 1 (APIs)
- Peer programming: Practice with API sandboxes
- Interactive lecture: requesting data from an API using Python
- Homework
- Resources
- go here
Week 4: April 18
- Agenda
- Day 4 lecture - working with web data 2 (SQL)
- introduction to the Wikipedia database
- programming concepts 4
- SQL queries
- advanced API queries
- final project discussion 1
- data sources
- research questions
- outline of project idea and project plan deliverables
- Exercises
- MYSQL queries with Quarry
- SOQL queries with Hurl.it and Python
- Homework
- Resources
- Python for Informatics: Chapter 12 Networked programs and Chapter 13 Using Web Services
Week 5: April 25
- Assignments due
- Agenda
- Day 5 lecture - visualizing data
- Introduction to Jupyter notebooks
- Jupyter notebooks 1
- importing data with SQL and API queries
- data manipulation with Jupyter
- Exercises
- visualize Seattle building permit data
- Homework
- Python quiz #5
- Day 5 coding challenges
- Resources
- go here
Week 6: May 2
- Agenda
- Day 6 lecture - corpus analysis
- Homework
- Resources
- go here
Week 7: May 9
- Assignments due
- Agenda
- Day 7 lecture - statistics with scipy
- Coding challenges
- Resources
- go here
Week 8: May 16
- Agenda
- Day 8 lecture - research study design
- Coding challenges
- Resources
- go here
Week 9: May 23
- Agenda
- Day 9 lecture - funnel analysis
- review of key concepts and tools from this course
- presentation workshop
- Resources
- go here
Week 10: May 30
- Assignments due
- Agenda
- Day 10 lecture - Final project report review, next steps for Data Science
- Final project presentations
Week 11: June 6
- Assignments due
- Final project report and code due by midnight on Wednesday, 6/8/2016