CommunityData:Hyak Quick Reference

From CommunityData
Revision as of 19:54, 1 December 2023 by Kaylea (talk | contribs)
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All About.... Hyak
Hostname and -- Hyak is the name of the service overall
Recommended Users Who can use it?
Not Recommended For Who can't/shouldn't use it?
Recommended Uses What's the machine good for?
Not Recommended For What's the machine not good for?
Access Requirements What kind of account is needed? Any special access rules/scripts? How do people get that account?
Services What services run here?
CDSC Admin Contacts Who in the group has higher access privs?
Staff System Admins How do we reach IT staff if things are really blowing up?
Monitoring How is it monitored?
Backups How is it backed up (is it backed up?)?
Technical Specs Disk, RAM, CPU
Physical home Where does it live? Do we have keys in case it needs a swift kick?
Purchase date date when it was bought
Retirement date date when it is slated for replacement/shutdown
Credits If you use it in a paper, what's the boilerplate acknowledgement?
Usage Basics homedirs are at? data storage is at?
Resource Specific Notes and Tips Does it have its own set of wikipages?