Why should students book office hours appointments?

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Revision as of 19:58, 12 December 2022 by Kaylea (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''What goes on during office hours appointments and why would you want to book one?''' Office hours can sound mysterious or intimidating, but they don't need to be either. They're meant to be helpful and can be very enjoyable. Don't struggle silently or ignore your own curiosity. = My number one piece of advice: go with an agenda! = But what could be on your agenda? Perhaps one of these goals match your situation! ==Get advice on a specific problem== * What did you me...")
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What goes on during office hours appointments and why would you want to book one? Office hours can sound mysterious or intimidating, but they don't need to be either. They're meant to be helpful and can be very enjoyable. Don't struggle silently or ignore your own curiosity.

My number one piece of advice: go with an agenda!

But what could be on your agenda? Perhaps one of these goals match your situation!

Get advice on a specific problem

  • What did you mean when you said X?
  • What do you think of my idea for project ABC?
  • I did poorly on XYZ and I want to do better next time. Can you suggest strategies?
  • I read your feedback on LMNOP and I don't really understand. Can you explain it a different way?
  • I can't seem to make progress on task GHIJ. I tried A, B, and C, but I'm still stuck. How do I get unstuck?

Follow up on an idea

  • In class you mentioned QRS, can you tell me more about it?
  • I'm thinking about doing TUV with concept WXY, how do I get started?
  • I read DEF about your work on LMNOP and I'd like to hear more about

Express disappointment or frustration

  • When you said X, I felt Y.
  • This (assignment, reading, dynamic, approach) is (not working, confusing, feels pointless). Help me understand!

Office hours are not...

  • A bother. You're not causing trouble by coming to office hours. The whole reason we make them available is to serve student needs and interests. As an instructor, it's actually discouraging to set up office hours availability that no one uses. So really, sign up!
  • Social hour. You're surely a charming and fun person, but unfortunately we can't use these time slots to just hang out. The real fun in a student-instructor comes from working through ideas together. So bring goals and ideas -- they matter!