CommunityData:Northwestern VPN

From CommunityData
Revision as of 22:37, 3 August 2018 by Groceryheist (talk | contribs) (Add instructions for ssh through the proxy.)

Northwestern IT has instructions for how to set up VPN on multiple operating systems. For most people, their instructions should work fine.

The Linux instructions are a bit lacking. Here are step-by-step instructions for Ubuntu 18.04. It should be similar for other Debian-based systems and very similar if you are using Gnome 3. Alternatively, you can connect to Kibo using the Northwestern VPN#ssh conifg that mako developed.

sudo apt install network-manager-openconnect-gnome

Open Settings > Networks > Add VPN

Choose the openconnect option

Edit the settings:

Gateway: `` Token mode: `TOTP -- manually entered`

Click connect and log in using your NU netid and password

SSH Config

To connect to kibo using ssh.

1. Install netcat-bsd and ocproxy

  sudo apt install ocproxy netcat-openbsd 

2. Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config. Replace <YOUR NU USERNAME>.

  Host kibo
    ProxyCommand ~/bin/nu-vpn-proxy %h %p

3. Create the file ~/bin/nu-vpn-proxy with the following. Replace <YOUR NU NETID> and <YOUR NU PASSWORD>.

   # connects to SSH through openconnect and VPN
   # for use iwth ProxyCommand in SSH
   # first run openconnect
   /sbin/start-stop-daemon --pidfile /tmp/ --make-pidfile -b -S --startas /bin/bash -- -c '/usr/sbin/openconnect --reconnect-timeout 60 --script-tun --script "ocproxy -D 9052" --user <YOUR NU NETID> < <(echo <YOUR NU PASSWORD>)' & 
   sleep 3 
   # kill connection on exit
   function cleanup {
     /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile /tmp/
   trap cleanup EXIT
   # redirect traffic (standard input and output) through VPN
   /bin/nc.openbsd -X 5 -x $1 $2

Make the file executable using chmod +x ~/bin/nu-vpn-proxy

Now you should be able to login to kibo. ssh kibo .