Intro to Programming and Data Science (Fall 2024)/Week 5 Coding Challenges

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Python for Everybody

Chapter 9:

  • Exercises 2, 3, 4, and 5*

Chapter 10:

  • Exercises 1, 2, 3*

Dictionary and Tuple Notebook

Complete the exercises in today's notebook.

Baby Name Challenges

Download the baby names data and code and complete each of the exercises.

Above and beyond

  1. Write a function that takes a prefix as input and prints the number of boys and girls with that prefix (e.g., get_names("m") would list all names that start with "m" and get_names("ma") would only list those that start with "ma").
  2. Plot (in Excel) the number of people who share a name with n other people in the data set, where n is 4 to 19.