Editing Organizations and their effectiveness-2016/Key concept definitions

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Our collective homework for Tuesday, July 5...
Our collective homework for Tuesday, July 5...
== Identity ==
=== Melissa ===
Social identity is a person's sense of who they are based on their group membership(s).  Different social identities become more or less salient in different situations. 
"I'm a Googler"
"I was a Stanford undergrad"
"I'm an economist"
"I'm on the alpha project team"
You might care about it because...  people's self-categorization with a particular group "brings self-perception and behavior in line with the contextually relevant ingroup prototype. It produces, for instance, normative behavior, stereotyping, ethnocentrism, positive ingroup attitudes and cohesion, cooperation and altruism, emotional contagion and empathy, collective behavior, shared norms, and mutual influence."  (Hogg and Terry 2000, pg. 123 - attached)
=== Consuelo ===
I like James Fearon’s discussion of identity:
“As we use it now, an “identity” refer to either (a) a social category, defined by membership rules and (alleged) characteristic attributes or expected behaviors, or (b) socially distinguishing features that a person takes a special pride in or views as unchangeable but socially consequential (or (a) and (b) at once).
In the latter sense, “identity” is modern formulation of dignity, pride, or honor that implicitly links these to social categories. This statement differs from and is more concrete than standard glosses offered by political scientists; I argue in addition that it allows us to better understand how “identity” can help explain political actions, and the meaning of claims such as “identities are socially constructed.” … I argue that ordinary language analysis is a valuable and perhaps essential tool in the clarification of social science concepts that have strong roots in everyday speech, a very common occurrence.”
Here are other definitions of identity in political science (from Fearon 1999):
1.    Identity is “people’s concepts of who they are, of what sort of people they are, and how they relate to others” (Hogg and Abrams 1988, 2).
2.    “Identity is used in this book to describe the way individuals and groups define themselves and are defined by others on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, language, and culture” (Deng 1995, 1).
3.    Identity “refers to the ways in which individuals and collectivities are distinguished in their social relations with other individuals and collectivities” (Jenkins 1996, 4).
4.    “National identity describes that condition in which a mass of people have made the same identification with national symbols – have internalized the symbols of the nation ...” (Bloom 1990, 52).
5.    Identities are “relatively stable, role-specific understandings and expectations about self” (Wendt 1992, 397).
6.    “Social identities are sets of meanings that an actor attributes to itself while taking the perspective of others, that is, as a social object. ... [Social identities are] at once cognitive schemas that enable an actor to determine ‘who I am/we are’ in a situation and positions in a social role structure of shared understandings and expectations” (Wendt 1994, 395).
7.    “By social identity, I mean the desire for group distinction, dignity, and place within historically specific discourses (or frames of understanding) about the character, structure, and boundaries of the polity and the economy” (Herrigel 1993, 371).
8.    “The term [identity] (by convention) references mutually constructed and evolving images of self and other” (Katzenstein 1996, 59).
9.    “Identities are ... prescriptive representations of political actors themselves and of their relationships to each other” (Kowert and Legro 1996, 453).
10. “My identity is defined by the commitments and identifications which provide the frame or horizon within which I can try to determine from case to case what is good, or valuable, or what ought to be done, or what I endorse or oppose” (Taylor 1989, 27).
11. “Yet what if identity is conceived not as a boundary to be maintained but as a nexus of relations and transactions actively engaging a subject?” (Clifford 1988, 344).
12. “Identity is any source of action not explicable from biophysical regularities, and to which observers can attribute meaning” (White 1992, 6).
13. “Indeed, identity is objectively defined as location in a certain world and can be subjectively appropriated only along with that world. ... [A] coherent identity in- corporates within itself all the various internalized roles and attitudes.” (Berger and Luckmann 1966, 132).
14. “Identity emerges as a kind of unsettled space, or an unresolved question in that space, between a number of intersecting discourses. ... [Until recently, we have incorrectly thought that identity is] a kind of fixed point of thought and being, a ground of action ... the logic of something like a ‘true self.’ ... [But] Identity is a process, identity is split. Identity is not a fixed point but an ambivalent point. Identity is also the relationship of the Other to oneself” (Hall 1989).6
“Students of American politics have devoted much new research to the “identity politics” of race, gender and sexuality. In comparative politics, “identity” plays a central role in work on nationalism and ethnic conflict (Horowitz 1985; Smith 1991; Deng 1995; Laitin 1999). In international relations, the idea of “state identity” is at the heart of constructivist critiques of realism and analyses of state sovereignty (Wendt 1992; Wendt 1999; Katzenstein 1996; Lapid and Kratochwil 1996; Biersteker and Weber 1996). And in political theory, questions of “identity” mark numerous arguments on gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, and culture in relation to liberalism and its alternatives (Young 1990; Connolly 1991; Kymlicka 1995; Miller 1995; Taylor 1989)” (Fearon 1999, 1)
== Credibility ==
=== Bo ===
Credibility: Reputation system works so well, I don't need conditional contracts or monitoring.

== Culture ==  
== Culture ==  
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As mentioned last week, I would distinguish between an external culture that might seep into an organization versus an organizational culture that might arise or be built within an organization.  See the Martinez et al. (2015) short essay in AER P&P from the readings for my second session for more on this distinction.  On the former, in addition to the Hofstede (1980) and Bloom, Sadun, and Van Reenen (2012) papers mentioned last week and cited in Martinez et al., there is also Ichino and Maggi (QJE 2000) about absenteeism by Northern and Southern Italians who move between northern and southern branches of a large Italian bank.  On the latter, Schein (1985) is a key reference and gives a definition of organizational culture quoted in Martinez et al., and I would offer the unpublished paper mentioned last week by the Martinez team plus additional co-authors as first-differenced evidence: analyzing ICUs in Michigan in 2004 and again in 2006, the bloodstream-infection rate fell the most in ICUs where the nurses' answer improved the most to the statement "I frequently have trouble expressing disagreement with staff physicians in this ICU."
As mentioned last week, I would distinguish between an external culture that might seep into an organization versus an organizational culture that might arise or be built within an organization.  See the Martinez et al. (2015) short essay in AER P&P from the readings for my second session for more on this distinction.  On the former, in addition to the Hofstede (1980) and Bloom, Sadun, and Van Reenen (2012) papers mentioned last week and cited in Martinez et al., there is also Ichino and Maggi (QJE 2000) about absenteeism by Northern and Southern Italians who move between northern and southern branches of a large Italian bank.  On the latter, Schein (1985) is a key reference and gives a definition of organizational culture quoted in Martinez et al., and I would offer the unpublished paper mentioned last week by the Martinez team plus additional co-authors as first-differenced evidence: analyzing ICUs in Michigan in 2004 and again in 2006, the bloodstream-infection rate fell the most in ICUs where the nurses' answer improved the most to the statement "I frequently have trouble expressing disagreement with staff physicians in this ICU."
=== Bo ===
Culture: Collection of norms, see above.
Norm: We are in a relational contract that grants us both discretion. But we usually follow some rule (the norm) even though we technically have discretion to do whatever. Following the norm decreases our coordination costs.
=== Ameet ===
Definition: Culture as those customary beliefs and values that ethnic, religious, and social groups transmit fairly unchanged from generation to generation. While not comprehensive, this definition focuses on those dimensions of culture that can impact economic outcomes. In addition, by restricting the potential channels of influence to two standard ones -beliefs (i.e, priors) and values (i.e, preferences)-, this definition provides an approach to identify a causal effect from culture to economic outcomes.
--> From Guiso, Sapienza & Zingales, Does culture affect economic outcomes? Journal of Economic Perspectives (2006)

== Network ==  
== Network ==  
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- All of Dan Carpenter's readings??
- All of Dan Carpenter's readings??
=== Consuelo ===
I am including a general definition of “power” (power as a relation among people by Robert Dahl) and another one of “political power” as consent (by Gene Sharp), which I mentioned when we did introductions on the first day.
Power as a relation among people (Robert Dahl)
“A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not otherwise do… [P]ower is a relation, and … it is a relation among people. Let us call the objects in the relationship of power, actors. Actors may be individuals, groups, roles, offices, governments, nation-states, or other human aggregates. To specify the actors in a power relation—A has power over B—is not very interesting, informative, or even accurate. Although the statement that the President has (some) power over Congress is not empty, neither is it very useful. A much more complete statement would include references to (a) the source, domain, or base of the President’s power over Congress; (b) the means or instruments used by the President to exert power over Congress; (c) the amount or extent of his power over Congress; and (d) the range or scope of his power over Congress.” (Dahl, 202-3)
Example: most work in political science. See Schelling’s Arms and Influence (1966)
Consent theory of power (Gene Sharp)
Gene Sharp’s definition of political power: it’s pluralistic in the sense that it resides “with a variety of groups and in a diversity of locations, which he calls ‘loci of power.’ The loci of power provide a countervailing force against the power of the ruler, especially when the loci are numerous and widely distributed throughout society.” (Martin 1989, 214) The ruler’s power flows from the “obedience and cooperation of the subjects.” (Sharp 1973, 12)
Example: this is the definition of power that forms the basis of civil resistance, people power, and nonviolent social movements. See Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan’s Why Civil Resistance Works (2011)

=== Mara ===
=== Mara ===
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Power is the #1 obsession in IR, so it's difficult to formulate a one-sentence definition. But roughly, I think the various understanding of power can be distilled along two dimensions.
Power is the #1 obsession in IR, so it's difficult to formulate a one-sentence definition. But roughly, I think the various understanding of power can be distilled along two dimensions.

1) "Materialist/Agentic": in the sense that power is something agents possess and exert; having “power over”
1) "Materialist/Agentic": in the sense that power is something agents possess and exert, having “power over”
*The most famous example here is Dahl’s (1957) definition: power is “power is the ability of A to get B to do something he or she would otherwise not do”
*The most famous example here is Dahl’s (1957) definition: power is “power is the ability of A to get B to do something he or she would otherwise not do”

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To address some of these limitations, we can bring in a second dimension of power
To address some of these limitations, we can bring in a second dimension of power

2) "Relational/Constitutive": power is something that creates agents and defines them in relation to one another; having “power to”.  
2) "Relational/Constitutive": power is something that creates agents and defines them in relation to one another about having “power to”.  
*The best summary here is Barnett & Duvall (2005), who develop a 2x2 typology:
*The best summary here is Barnett & Duvall (2005), who develop a 2x2 typology:
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== Utility ==  
== Utility ==  
=== John Stuart Mill ===
The principle of utility describes "actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure."
=== Bo ===
Rational and Utility:
Rational: An agent who is attempting to optimize something. Could be anything.
Please note that someone can be attempting to optimize the "wrong" variable, or might be using "wrong" information in their optimization -- and they can still be rational.
Utility: Whatever is being optimized above.
Given this, the two definitions directly above are arguably so broad to be unfalsifiable. Fair point!
The purpose is to justify mathematics of optimization being applied to behavior.

=== Romain ===
=== Romain ===
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== Tastes ==
== Tastes ==
=== Bo ===
Tastes: Someone's private likes and dislikes. There is no "correct" taste.

=== Manuel ===
=== Manuel ===
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So I guess I have moved from needing one definition to needing another: if you and I are playing a two-move game and I play "trust" in my first move (and it is common knowledge that the game is definitely over after your second move, and that we will never see each other again, and that you will never interact with third parties who knowhow you played in our game), is it the same thing to say (a) that I am trusting you and (b) that I have a view about your "type" that leads me to predict how you will act after I play "trust"?
So I guess I have moved from needing one definition to needing another: if you and I are playing a two-move game and I play "trust" in my first move (and it is common knowledge that the game is definitely over after your second move, and that we will never see each other again, and that you will never interact with third parties who knowhow you played in our game), is it the same thing to say (a) that I am trusting you and (b) that I have a view about your "type" that leads me to predict how you will act after I play "trust"?
=== Bo ===
Trust: Reputation system works so well, I don't need monitoring or contracts.
=== Ameet ===
‘When we say we trust someone or that someone is trustworthy – writes Gambetta (2000) – we implicitly mean that the probability that he will perform an action that is beneficial (…) is high enough for us to consider in engaging in some form of cooperation with him.’  In Gambetta’s (2000) definition trust is a belief, which can be measured as a probability.
Gambetta, Diego (2000). ‘Can we trust trust?’, in (D. Gambetta, ed.), Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations, pp. 213–27, Oxford: University of Oxford.
In the last 15 years, economists have increasingly paid attention to the role trust plays in economic activity. From economic growth (Knack and Keefer, 1997) to size of firms (La Porta et al., 1997; Bloom et al., 2009), from financial development (Guiso et al., 2004, 2008) to international trade and investments (Guiso et al., 2009), many economic phenomena have been related to the level of trust.

== Rationalization ==
== Rationalization ==
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For readings, see Bendix 1956, in a masterful mid-20th century assessment of managerial ideologies, he describes the bureaucratization of management clearly: “The increasing size of industrial enterprises entails certain administrative problems which in each case require for their solution the addition of salaried personnel.” (p. 226) His analysis captures a secular change in the American industry by which entrepreneurs and heirs are replaced by better-educated bureaucrats.
For readings, see Bendix 1956, in a masterful mid-20th century assessment of managerial ideologies, he describes the bureaucratization of management clearly: “The increasing size of industrial enterprises entails certain administrative problems which in each case require for their solution the addition of salaried personnel.” (p. 226) His analysis captures a secular change in the American industry by which entrepreneurs and heirs are replaced by better-educated bureaucrats.
For the U.S. nonprofit sector, see Hwang and Powell, ''ASQ'', 2009, where we show the adoption of strategic planning, external audits, and efficiency metrics related to admin. costs. Christof and i currently are working on a paper showing how and why the contents of rationalization change over time.
For the U.S. nonprofit sector, see Hwang and Powell, ''ASQ'', 2009, where we show the adoption of strategic planning, external audits, and efficiency metrics related to admin. costs. Christof and i currently are working on a paper showing how and why the contents of rationalization change over time.
== Rational ==
=== Bo ===
Rational: An agent who is attempting to optimize something. Could be anything. Please note that someone can be attempting to optimize the "wrong" variable, or might be using "wrong" information in their optimization -- and they can still be rational.
Utility: Whatever is being optimized above.
Given this, the two definitions directly above are arguably so broad to be unfalsifiable. Fair point!
The purpose is to justify mathematics of optimization being applied to behavior.

== Legitimacy ==
== Legitimacy ==

=== Bo ===  
=== Mara ===
IR scholars fight volumes of battles over this one too. Rather than try to give an overview, I focus on Thomas Franck’s (1988) piece. Franck is an international lawyer and I think this definition has some interesting implications for our discussions of formal and relations contracts.  
Legitimacy: Our relational contract is an equilibrium that grants you discretion. I'm okay with that.  

=== Mara ===
Franck defines legitimacy as “the quality of a rule which derives from a perception on the part of  
Thomas Franck’s (1988) is an international lawyer and I think this definition has some interesting implications for our discussions of formal and relations contracts. Franck defines legitimacy as “the quality of a rule which derives from a perception on the part of those to whom the rule is addressed that it has come into being in accordance with the right process”. He identifies four indicators of legitimacy:  
those to whom the rule is addressed that it has come into being in accordance with the right process”. He identifies four indicators of legitimacy:  

*”Determinacy”= clarity, letting people/states know exactly what is expected of them. The more determinant a rule, the more difficult to resist compliance and to justify non-compliance & the less room for “flexible” interpretation  
*”Determinacy”= clarity, letting people/states know exactly what is expected of them. The more determinant a rule, the more difficult to resist compliance and to justify non-compliance & the less room for “flexible” interpretation  
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== Norms ==  
== Norms ==  
=== Consuelo ===
A norm is a “shared standard of behavior appropriate for actors with a given identity” (Finnemore and Sikkink 1998; Florini 1996)
Example: Susan Hyde’s “Catch Us If You Can: Election Monitoring and International Norm Diffusion” (2011) On the norm of international election monitoring, Hyde concludes that “[t]he norm of election observation diffused widely because (1) international actors initiated and then increased democracy-contingent benefits, and (2) a government's commitment to democracy is difficult for democracy promoters to observe directly.”

=== Mara ===
=== Mara ===
Norms are intersubjective standards defining socially-appropriate behavior for a given type of actor in a given situation. They can have regulative, constitutive, permissive, prescriptive & proscriptive effects. Norms don't guarantee that agents will behave in certain ways; they only make certain behaviors more or less likely. Relatedly, norms are "counterfactually valid", meaning that specific incidences of non-compliance doesn't invalidate the norms (i.e. rules can be honored in the breach).
Norms are intersubjective standards defining socially-appropriate behavior for a given type of actor in a given situation. They can have regulative, constitutive, permissive, prescriptive & proscriptive effects. Norms don't guarantee that agents will behave in certain ways; they only make certain behaviors more or less likely. Relatedly, norms are "counterfactually valid", meaning that specific incidences of non-compliance doesn't invalidate the norms (i.e. rules can be honored in the breach).

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=== Bob ===
=== Bob ===
Can a repeated-game equilibrium be a norm?  If so, are all norms such equilibria?  How does this distinction relate to trust and socialization?
Can a repeated-game equilibrium be a norm?  If so, are all norms such equilibria?  How does this distinction relate to trust and socialization?
=== Bo ===
Norm: We are in a relational contract that grants us both discretion. But we usually follow some rule (the norm) even though we technically have discretion to do whatever. Following the norm decreases our coordination costs.

== Functionalism ==
== Functionalism ==
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* [[Media:Davis_asr_1945.pdf|Davis, Kingsley, and Wilbert E. Moore. "Some principles of stratification." American sociological review 10, no. 2 (1945): 242-249.]]
* [[Media:Davis_asr_1945.pdf|Davis, Kingsley, and Wilbert E. Moore. "Some principles of stratification." American sociological review 10, no. 2 (1945): 242-249.]]
=== Christof ===

Functionalism, in sociology, is an analytical framework that describes the world as a stable, cohesive system, whose parts contribute to the stability of the overall system. More simply, things are the way they are because they work. (Structural) functionalism was a dominant school of thought in 1950s sociology. The framework's legitimacy was compromised by an intellectual dispute between Harvard-sociologist Talcott Parsons and some of his colleagues (such as CW Mills). Anti-functionalists considered the framework inherently conservative, which they considered to be at odds with observed conflict, turmoil, and oppression in the real world. Critics of functionalism invoke what Gould and Lewontin called the Panglossian Paradigm as an illustration for the naïve assumptions underlying the idea that social structures must be functional. Dr. Pangloss, a "court meta-physician" in Voltaire’s play Candide, gave the paradigm its name:  
Functionalism, in sociology, is an analytical framework that describes the world as a stable, cohesive system, whose parts contribute to the stability of the overall system. More simply, things are the way they are because they work. (Structural) functionalism was a dominant school of thought in 1950s sociology. The framework's legitimacy was compromised by an intellectual dispute between Harvard-sociologist Talcott Parsons and some of his colleagues (such as CW Mills). Anti-functionalists considered the framework inherently conservative, which they considered to be at odds with observed conflict, turmoil, and oppression in the real world. Critics of functionalism invoke what Gould and Lewontin called the Panglossian Paradigm as an illustration for the naïve assumptions underlying the idea that social structures must be functional. Dr. Pangloss, a "court meta-physician" in Voltaire’s play Candide, gave the paradigm its name:  
''“It is demonstrable,” said [Dr. Pangloss], “that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles, therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings, accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to construct castles, therefore My Lord has a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten, therefore we eat pork all the year round: and they, who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best.”''
''“It is demonstrable,” said [Dr. Pangloss], “that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles, therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings, accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to construct castles, therefore My Lord has a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten, therefore we eat pork all the year round: and they, who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best.”''
There aren’t really any empirical studies of functionalism because it’s pretty much a non-falsifiable school of thought whose validity depends on what one considers “optimal” or “efficient."  One eloquent critique of the functionalism of Transaction Cost Economics is Granovetter’s (1985) Economic Action and Social Structure, in which he challenges Williamson’s claim that “the organizational form observed in any situation is that which deals most efficiently with the cost of economics transactions”. Granovetter’s main concern is that selection pressures may be weak and efficient solutions may not be feasible, allowing for dysfunctional or second-best organizational designs.
There aren’t really any empirical studies of functionalism because it’s pretty much a non-falsifiable school of thought whose validity depends on what one considers “optimal” or “efficient."  One eloquent critique of the functionalism of Transaction Cost Economics is Granovetter’s (1985) Economic Action and Social Structure, in which he challenges Williamson’s claim that “the organizational form observed in any situation is that which deals most efficiently with the cost of economics transactions”. Granovetter’s main concern is that selection pressures may be weak and efficient solutions may not be feasible, allowing for dysfunctional or second-best organizational designs.

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I also defined voice from Hirschman. In keeping with Bo's efforts to craft "tweetable" definitions, mine is the following:
I also defined voice from Hirschman. In keeping with Bo's efforts to craft "tweetable" definitions, mine is the following:
:: ''An attempt to maintain, improve, or repair relationships through communication (expression of dissent, frustration, agreement/support, commitment)''
:: ''An attempt to maintain, improve, or repair relationships through communication (expression of dissent, frustration, agreement/support, commitment)''
=== Bo ===
Voice: We are in a relational contract. The world changes. We both help choose the new equilibrium.

== Contract ==
== Contract ==
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I like the term '''accounts''' a lot. It has a discursive aspect, indeed, it has been used in a little literature on the sociology of talk (see Scott & Lyman, ASR, Feb. 1968). In this context, it refers to socially approved vocabularies, or statements made to bridge the gap between actions and expectations. P&P makes a great deal out of Renaissance account books, which detail social expectations quite clearly, and of course, double-entry bookkeeping is a topic that Padgett and Wargalien are writing about. ''Accounts are a linguistic or symbolic device employed when actions are subject to evaluative inquiries''. There is an obvious link to be built to Gibbons' use of the term stories.
I like the term '''accounts''' a lot. It has a discursive aspect, indeed, it has been used in a little literature on the sociology of talk (see Scott & Lyman, ASR, Feb. 1968). In this context, it refers to socially approved vocabularies, or statements made to bridge the gap between actions and expectations. P&P makes a great deal out of Renaissance account books, which detail social expectations quite clearly, and of course, double-entry bookkeeping is a topic that Padgett and Wargalien are writing about. ''Accounts are a linguistic or symbolic device employed when actions are subject to evaluative inquiries''. There is an obvious link to be built to Gibbons' use of the term stories.

For an article on the evolution of the term "appropriate" in the context of academic entrepreneurship, see Colyvas and Powell, 2006.
For an article on the evolution of the term "appropriate" in the context of academic entrepreneurship, see Colyvas and Powell, 20006.
Roads to Institutionalization: The Remaking of Boundaries Between Public and Private Science (PDF), ''Research in Organizational Behavior'', 21:305-53 (2006) Jeannette Colyvas, W.W. Powell.
Roads to Institutionalization: The Remaking of Boundaries Between Public and Private Science (PDF), ''Research in Organizational Behavior'', 21:305-53 (2006) Jeannette Colyvas, W.W. Powell.

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Status, in macro-organizational sociology, is an organization’s position in the social structure. Organizations higher up in the status order have more social ties to other organizations, or more ties to well networked affiliates. It is easier for well-connected organizations to accumulate resources and perform highly, which leads to the self-reproduction of status. This process is commonly referred to as accumulative advantage or “Matthew Effect" (Chen et al. 2012, Sauder, Lynn, and Podolny 2012). High-status across can stay on top of the status order because they can produce cheaper and sell more expensively, as both suppliers and consumers use status information as a proxy for expected quality and reliability (Podolny 2005). Podolny’s (2005) book Status Signals is an authoritative account of how organizational status affect consumers, producers, and market competition. There is a largely separate literature on the status of individuals and groups inside organizations in social psychology.
Status, in macro-organizational sociology, is an organization’s position in the social structure. Organizations higher up in the status order have more social ties to other organizations, or more ties to well networked affiliates. It is easier for well-connected organizations to accumulate resources and perform highly, which leads to the self-reproduction of status. This process is commonly referred to as accumulative advantage or “Matthew Effect" (Chen et al. 2012, Sauder, Lynn, and Podolny 2012). High-status across can stay on top of the status order because they can produce cheaper and sell more expensively, as both suppliers and consumers use status information as a proxy for expected quality and reliability (Podolny 2005). Podolny’s (2005) book Status Signals is an authoritative account of how organizational status affect consumers, producers, and market competition. There is a largely separate literature on the status of individuals and groups inside organizations in social psychology.
=== Melissa ===
Status and power are sometimes rolled together into the idea of social hierarchy.  Social hierarchy is defined as “an implicit or explicit rank order of individuals or groups with respect to a valued social dimension” (Magee, and Galinsky, 2008, pg. 354). It is seen as a “pervasive reality of organizational and group life given differences across individuals and units in resource endowments such as capital, knowledge, authority, information, network relations, experience, charisma, etc.” (Bunderson, and Reagans, 2011, pg. 1183 - attached).  I think I like Bob's better - who can exercise discretion
=== Bo ===
Status: Positive-sum game of deference (sometimes costly deference).
== Change process ==
=== Melissa ===
I've used this term a few times in the workshop, but what I mean by it doesn't match the primary organizations literature on change processes.  Using Bob's three views of organizations lens, I would characterize the literature to date as the top left - cool blue design - because it is focused mostly on cognition.  (Ed Schien's essay summarizes the most popular theory - Kurt Lewin's unfreeze-change-refreeze framework)
My intended meaning relates more to the top right on Bob's diagram - red hot politics.  There are many studies that relate to this intended meaning, but they are not neatly lumped into a change theory literature.  Change process in this way of thinking relates to the interactions and conditions under which a role structure is changed. 
Anytime a role structure is being changed, there is a possibility of status or power loss for at least one of the role groups.
In a constructive change process, there is a predefined agreed-on fair process for how this will get worked out.  Like hiring decisions in an acadmic department - one sub-group hiring disrupts the balance of power in the department, but if everyone has agreed that every sub-group gets a turn to hire round-robin, then the hiring process will go smoothly and at the end, everyone will have gotten a turn.  The key here is "procedural justice" - the process, whatever it is, has to be agreed upon as fair so that everyone will accept an outcome that isn't their own best outcome. 
But there are many other ways a role structure can change.  Think of Kate's study.  The defenders felt that the new hand-off practice was a threat to their status (i.e., other roles in the role structure would have gained footing and they would have lost footing) so they fought the change.  The reformers had to hide in the free space and figure out how to work around the defenders to get the change they wanted.
As another example, in my second ER study, the change to organize nurses and doctors into pods was handled differently at different ERs.  At one ER, there were many cross-occupational town halls where everyone got to brainstorm, ask questions, air grievances, etc.  Then they piloted the pods and had more town halls to talk about what had happened and made adjustments and piloted them again.  At another one, the ER medical director asked for feedback one time in single occupational groups and then (according to the residents and nurses) ignored the feedback and did what he wanted anyway.  All communication came down in silos.  Unsurprisingly, the first ER got to a new equilibrium and the second one did not.  The change process was not seen as fair and it didn't give people a change to co-construct a new role structure that worked for everyone.
I'm going to think more about how to summarize the conditions and interactions across all these diverse studies, there's got to be a general framework here.  Can post more on that later.
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